This is a call for courage
Not to condemn in a crowd,
with courageous compassion.
A passion so great for freedom, health, and joy,
That the corruption is unveiled as a profitable ploy.
The light is seen by a few who dare to lift the curtain,
Who dare to risk their reputation
for the right for others to have a future.
The truth seeps into the shadows of silence,
The voices of millions calling for fearful measures
And they listen, slowly...
To the tiny possibility of another way
Another day in the future where freedom may spark joy
The someday that becomes synonymous with hope
fasting from the fast food nation,
Mandates and mindless restrictions.
The toxic treadmill of chemical cocktails
We extract ourselves from the web
like a dragonfly who refuses to lose her magnificent iridescence,
And others shine in our presence.
We are weaned from the addiction of quick, fast, cheap, and easy
We look for slow, real, crafted, quality.
We look for others who grow,
Makers, and doers, fixers, and huggers.
We find ourselves igniting the conversations that turn ears,
Restoring our relationships on our street.
Meeting those we once feared to meet.
And we answer the call...
How are we going to create from this day forth?