For our eighth episode, the Stories Empowered team hosted a roundtable discussion about the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA), which is renowned for its Asian representation. Various members of the Stories Empowered team, including Co-Founder Charlotte Cao, writer Diego Moreno, Outreach Team member Ruhi Barot, and Operations Directors Ali Dada and Sanjana Nitturkaur, were invited to answer questions submitted by followers through the Instagram account @storiesempowered, as well as reflect on their own experiences while watching the show. Claire Chien, the Uplift All Voices Director, was responsible for moderating the entire discussion. For the first half of the episode, the Stories Empowered team will be discussing various characters, such as Katara and Azula, and analyzing their character development, while the second half will focus exclusively on the portrayal of Asian cultures within ATLA.