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Here is an interview I did with Dr. Drew Hall of Redondo Beach, California.
He is an upper cervical evangelist and dedicated practitioner of the Blair technique, and when he’s not correcting patient’s atlas subluxations, he’s the president of the blair society.
In this interview he tells the story of how:
He was was introduced to upper cervicalHow an epiphany during a walk home led to him enrolling in chiropractic schoolAbout his early days in practiceA few case studiesAnd more.I hope you enjoy this interview.
I made a few changes to how I conduct these interviews starting with this one with Dr. Hall.
First of all, I conducted the entire interview via Skype which is a voice over internet protocol program. This resulted in a much clearer and even recording which cut down on editing time and allowed me to deliver to you a better, final product quicker than normal.
Second, because I now use the computer and the web for the whole process, it allows me to actually broadcast the conducting of the interview live, complete with video.
If you would like to see the video of me interviewing Dr. Hall, you can either see it on the front page of the blog (http://www.uppercervicaldocs.com) under the “Featured Upper Cervical Interview” section, or you can go to http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2683135 to see the recorded video.
I did not announce the live broadcast this time because I wanted to have a chance to iron out any mistakes before I had a huge audience. Believe it or not, there were absolutely no mistakes whatsoever, and everything went off without a single hitch – no software problems, no video problems, no bandwidth problems – nothing.
So the next time I conduct an interview, I will be sure to give you advanced notice so you can tune in and watch the interview live if you want to.
The place to see future interviews live will be http://www.ustream.tv/channel/uppercervicaldocs.
I’ve also produced the interview more like a standard podcast, and stopped dividing up the recordings into parts. Now the whole interview is in one single mp3 file.
This makes it much easier to subscribe to the podcast feed and synching up your mp3 player.
I’ve also, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth, cleaned up the feed so that you can easily subscribe to the interviews via iTunes, and synch your iPod, iPhone or other mp3 player to the podcast section of the iTunes store.
You can get to iTunes podcast by clicking on this link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=344773151.
I am now in the process of cleaning up past interviews to make them one single file and the blog, and iTunes should reflect that as I am able to make it happen.
The official RSS feed for the interviews can be found at http://feeds.feedburner.com/upper-cervical-interviews if you would rather subscribe in another type of reader.
Of course you will still be able to listen, and download the interviews directly from the website http://www.uppercervicaldocs.com/.
Be on the lookout in the very near future for more regular upper cervical podcasts that are more than just interviews.
Lastly, I want to thank you for your support and encouragement as I’ve traveled down this path… I truly enjoy doing this and hope that you enjoy listening, just as much.
The post Dr. Drew Hall | Upper Cervical Interview first appeared on Upper Cervical Audio Interviews.