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Why is Digital Transformation So Hard to Sell?
A 25-minute discussion with Jim Crompton, Adjunct Faculty Member at Colorado School of Mines and Joe Perino, the Director of Production Solutions at WellAware – narrated by Marty Stetzer, President of EKTinteractive in Houston.
According to management consultants and technology vendors, the digital transformation in the oil and gas industry is off and running. But, if you listen to the quiet, practical voices on the sidelines, there are a few challenges ahead.
Jim has done a lot of publishing on IoT applications in upstream oil and gas. Today, he and Joe discuss six of the major challenges to implementation – seen in their work experience and research.
Topics for discussion:
With a volatile crude price cycle, it's never a good time to implement IoT.It's rare in oil and gas that technology has been a true game changer.Tough to balancing expert insights with the new advanced analytics models.Who really has the responsibility for the data?How to merge OT (Operational Technologies) with this new I/T infrastructure?In oil and gas, I/T is not a respected skill set yet!About the Experts
Jim Crompton
“The future is already here, it is just not widely distributed yet” – William Gibson.
After six years at university, and 37 years working in the oil patch for Chevron you would have thought that Jim would have had enough.
But no Jim leads Reflections Data Consulting LLC to continue his work in data management and analytics for the Exploration and Production industry, including:
1) Improving the Data Foundation for Oil & Gas companies.
2) Advancing the capabilities of modeling and advanced analytics as applied to gaining greater insight into the performance of the digital oil field/integrated operations.
3) His other passion is mentoring the next generation workforce or digital engineers, geo-scientists and information technology professionals.
Joe Perino
Joe is currently on the research team with LNS Research, a consulting firm specializing in digital transformation, based in Cambridge, Mass. He brings them over 40 years of experience in upstream, midstream and downstream. He has worked in engineering, maintenance, sales, marketing and business development, and technical, IT and management consulting.
Joe was involved early on with the Digital Oilfield concept and has consulted on production efficiency and effectiveness improvements with KOC, Pemex, Petrobras, Sonangol and Statoil. He was a member of the Shell Smart Fields and Chevron iFields teams while at Schlumberger.
Joe is active in the AIChE, ISA, COS, NOIA, OESI, SPE and World Oil Council.
Marty Stetzer
Marty is President of EKTinteractive in Houston. He is currently producer-director for Oil-101, our popular, mobile-ready series on “How the oil & gas industry works” that covers upstream, midstream and downstream operations fundamentals.
The EKTinteractive learning community is continually updated on important topics with podcasts from industry experts.
He brings 30 years upstream and downstream management experience with Schlumberger, Superior Oil-Mobil, Wilson Industries and Exxon.
He has been a consultant to U.S. and international oil and gas and companies since 1986, including 13 years with PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Like many of his team, Marty is active in the SPE and often presents at industry forums.
Relevant Links:
EKT Interactive Oil and Gas Podcast Network
Oil 101 A Free Online Introduction to the Oil and Gas Industry
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