Ignoring STRATEGY Will Cost You Time and Sales because you'll run out of air too quickly and quit. We don't want to quit, so we needed easy ways to do this, and at the same time, provide a quality platform that makes the user experience exciting and fun.
A little thought into what you want to accomplish goes a long way, especially in the beginning when the vision is not fully clear. We're sharing planning sessions so that you can understand that you've got to start somewhere. If you faint not (don't give up) and stay consistent, there are great rewards within content creation.
One of our strategies was to break down sessions into bite-sized morcels (15-30 minutes). This way, before we go worldwide, we've learned how to produce quality content on this platform. I've learned already at Anchor when you render a new episode draft, and it keeps a copy of the previous version. That's an excellent feature, but not if you don't know, so I inadvertently published the wrong version. #stilllearning
I ended up rendering the one without the sound effect at the beginning and end, which was my goal. We got the podcast up, but the first two are without sound effects. This one is number three, so here we go. Leave me a comment if you can hear my sound effects?
In closing, my thought is this. Take a few minutes and do a few test runs before you pull the curtains back. In business and life, we've got to lean into it as we grow, being flexible and welcoming. In due season you will reap your harvest.
If you've not planted anything that might yield fruit yet, get started today while you're still here with breath inside your body. The Urban Academics Roundtable is a great place to start: https://www.urban-academics.com. Here, you can share your voice contributing to important topics with successful folks from all walks of life. Plus, do all that from the comforts of your home.
Thank you for listening (and reading),