This week on Valley Drag, we try to drag centralized media services and federated media services. But honestly we just end up dragging ourselves.
Why centralized social media sites can be good:
Information SourceConcretely, during Ferguson, twitter played a big part in letting people see what was happening.#BLM
Essentially gives folks who may not be apart of a certain demographic a view into another part of the worlds culture.Allows people share experiences, break up traditional media’s hold on publishing.Unbundling of media content.Reasons as to why they can be bad:
Bitter Brown Femmes episode where they have a bit talking about organizing online using facebook and twitterEssentially that it’s horrible but because of how American education and such is, these centralized services are the only way a bunch of folks find out about their own ethnic and cultural historyCensorship of “controversial content” like videos by LGBT creators (but hatespeech is continually supported by both twitter and youtube).Essentially whatever raises stock prices is what will be ultimately protected and prioritized.Facebook, twitter, et al turning over information to law enforcement (using facebook to organize BLM, protest, resistance events is not safe).Getting paid for content creation is hard.No good open source kit in a box easily deployable solutions for it.Ethical ad marketsAn ethical ad market would allow for people to still make money off of advertising while also respecting users privacy.Open Source and Decentralized Alternatives:
Monetization:liberapayflattrBuild it yourself with stripe or other payment processing services.Registering a business is almost a monster of a taskSocial MediaMastodonDisaporaMedia & filesMediagoblinOwncloudSandstorm, here is a Pentagonal episode where we talk about this in depth.Cristian on TwitterTim on MastodonTim on TwitterStipes Radio on TwitterSubscribe on: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | Overcast | Pocketcasts | RSS