When persecution comes, we do not give up and we do not give in. We gather together and stand firm in christ. No matter what suffering we may face, we will face it together and pray for the Holy Spirit to give us boldness. When they came together to pray, they didn’t pray for the suffering or persecution to end, rather that God would give them the strength and the boldness to continue preaching the Gospel in spite of it! True revival needs a back bone and a bunch of bold believers who will not go along with the culture, but will actively live in opposition to the ways of this world. We will not compromise with a culture that belittles and disrespects our God and our faith. We will stand firm in truth and will continue to preach the good news to everyone who needs to hear it! When we pray this way, the Holy Spirit will come down in our midst and renew out hearts and minds with a fresh outpouring of His presence.