As well as long conversations with Shawn, we thought it would be a good idea to introduce shorter, weekly episodes on our podcast channel of things that are closer to our comfort areas.
Having been involved with performing for many years, I've grown oddly comfortable with sharing parts of myself with total strangers, and I hope to make this series no different.
"Reflections" is just that: a reflection of my own struggle, perhaps my own biblical ignorance and naivety, and my own feelings about life, love, faith, and much more.
This episode is a deep personal struggle of denial as well as a confession long in the making. The title says it all; I must confess that up until very recently, I was never a Christian. It is only now, after experiencing extreme, doubt, loneliness and shame, that I've allowed myself to accept true grace and forgiveness from God.
For the majority of my life I thought and claimed enthusiastically to be a Christian (follower of Jesus the Christ).
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