In this captivating episode of Veteran Made, two old friends, Carey Kight and Ryan Kutscher, dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and creative pursuits. Their conversation is a masterclass in learning by doing, challenging the conventional wisdom that success comes from accepting the advice of professors and executives at face value. Ryan’s journey from advertising to launching his own beer brand, Dad Strength Brewing, serves as a powerful testament to the value of hands-on experience and the courage to pursue one’s vision.
The episode is a rallying cry for aspiring entrepreneurs and creatives to break free from the shackles of traditional career paths and educational models. Ryan’s experiences, from dropping out of ad school to take an unpaid internship, to launching multiple businesses, highlight the importance of seizing opportunities and learning through real-world challenges. The conversation emphasizes that true growth and innovation come from taking risks, making mistakes, and constantly adapting to new situations – not from sitting in classrooms or boardrooms.
Listeners will be challenged to question their own career trajectories and comfort zones. This episode isn’t for the faint of heart; it’s a wake-up call for those who’ve been playing it safe or waiting for the “right time” to pursue their dreams. Ryan and Carey’s frank discussion about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, the value of failure, and the importance of solving real problems for niche markets will inspire listeners to take action now. If you’re tired of theoretical knowledge and ready to embrace the messy, exhilarating world of doing, this episode is your starting gun. Don’t just listen – let it ignite the fire to start your own journey today.
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