Chris joins us on the podcast to tell us about his fascinating military career, his work with the Bradley Lowery Foundation, being the guy behind SunderLad and his dislike of toothbrush holders. So much more to talk about, so little space on the memory cards (as you will notice if you're watching on YouTube). Hopefully we'll catch Chris again soon for part 2
Check out SunderLad:
Veterans In Crisis Sunderland (VICS) supports local veterans to overcome any issues they are dealing with - you don't have to be facing any crisis to be part of VICS but if you are, we'll face it with you.
If you need support or would like to support Veterans In Crisis Sunderland you can get in touch with us here, via our website or at facebook:
The show is produced by Tall Image - If you need info about the show or would like to help support this podcast you can contact us on social media or email Joe at [email protected]