90% of Victorian coast is public land, and community organisations like the Victorian National Parks Association are committed to keep it like this. In this episode we further explore which role political processes have played in protecting nature as well as the ongoing threats we will need to address when it comes to managing marine National Parks and Sanctuaries. We will hear (among others) from Geoff Wescott, who has been deeply involved with shaping coastal and marine environmental policies in Victoria. In 2015 he chaired the expert panel that advise our current 2018 Marine and Coastal Act.
- Geoff Wescott, board member of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council and Honorary Research Fellow at Deakin University
- Shannon Hurley, Coastal Campaigner VNPA
- Mark Rodrigue, Parks Victoria, State-wide Leader - Marine and Coasts
Photo Caption: Celebrating the establishment of MPA at Ricketts Point
From left to right: Mark Stone (Parks Victoria Chief Executive 1998-2010), Dianne James (chair of Victorian Coastal Council), Sherryl Garbutt (Minister for Environment and Conservation, 1999-2006), Sylvia Earle (well known around the world as a marine biologist and advocate) and Chris Smyth (marine campaign officer VNPA).