Pastor Stan Roberts continues his series Walking in The Kingdom, with Part 2.
God has delivered us from Egypt! Though He is faithful and delivered His people from Egypt, we, His people still need to get Egypt out of us to be fully free, and the freedom comes through God's promises. Exodus 6:6-7 addresses 4 things 1) God brought us out of bondage 2) God rescued us 3) God redeemed us 4) God adopts us as His people and this is reassurance, we are The Kingdom of God. We might say, that was then, how do I know I can see The Kingdom today? Luke 10:9-11 tells us when you see the healing The Kingdom of God is nigh! The Kingdom is still here and happens not just in Heaven, but here in this life, not in any region, not south, north, east or west, but is within us! Luke 17:20-21. Because The Kingdom of God is inside of you, you can experience peace and safety right here, right where you are, today. How does God release Kingdom rule here and now today?
Matthew 18:18-19 tells us whatever we bind or loose on earth is bound or loosed in Heaven. How does this work? What we are binding such as spirits, evil, illness, etc must already be bound in Heaven and what we are loosing, healing power from The Cross, the authority of Jesus over all evil, etc, must already be loosed in Heaven. In order to bind or loose and take the authority that Jesus left for us, we have to know what is in place in Heaven. Where do we find what is already in place in Heaven? The Word! Which tells us we are seated in Heavenly places, we are The King's Kids! And once we know, we can speak out, what are you speaking out?
When we follow God and take the steps He lays out in 2 Peter 1:4-11 we work into our lives a maturity and at some point in that maturity, when we look back, we will not remember the things of our immaturity. In this message Pastor Stan wraps up with an overview of the steps we can take, as we exercise our faith, virtue is added, as we exercise virtue, knowledge is added. Join Pastor Stan in Walking in The Kingdom, Part 3 for the amazing conclusion to this series.