Be The Change You Seek In The World!
Excited to have my wonderful friend, Eric Wilson, back on The Ted Show!
We will talk about his amazing organization, Hearts, Hands and Hope, Inc, and the incredible impact they make on our community!
About Eric:
25 year on air TV meteorologist (Buffalo, Detroit and Orlando)
Have one son, Aidan (16), with autism but is the sweetest guy I could ever pray for as a son
Married, Michelle; she works at Pace Brantley School as the Development Director
Computer Science Degree in 2018 from Full Sail University, where after I programmed, designed, built, and sold a weather app called AtmoScan to another company.
Started working as CEO for Hearts, Hands, and Hope full time as COVID 19 just broke out
HHH did 10,000 meals in all of 2019; now we have passed out more than 275,000 in 2020