This is episode #One of the VBB Bitch Series. It begins with our conversation with Teacher, Life Coach, Speaker, and International bestselling Author of W.O.M.A.N.: A New Definition For Reclaiming The Feminine, Gina Cloud. Whether you like the word or not, Bitch is ubiquitous, timeless, and female-centric. For centuries to the present day, Bitch has been used to dehumanize women on the one hand, while on the other, Bitch has been an idolized symbol of woman’s emancipation. Gina helps us unravel the contemporary and historical use of a word meant to marginalize women and how they can turn it into a tool for personal empowerment without giving in to rage or vengeance. We explore how women can reclaim Bitch, embrace the essence of its power, use it to amplify their voice, and speak their truth with courage and integrity. We chose Gina to be on this journey because she walks her talk.