Dr. Ida, The Soul Whisperer Coach of Intuition Coaching and the author of 22 Books, 2 Best Sellers.
She supports Spiritual Women to Recognize, Acknowledge, to use their Intuition for clients, sales, and cash flow to get what they want in life, be grounded, do more in less time, and be in the flow of all good to continuously manifest your desires with ease, grace, peace, health, harmony, and have fulfilling relationships.
She receives messages from God in my 1-1 “Soul Readings” for business or life that tell you where you are on a Soul level, what are your blocks and what is your next step.
Soul Reading: https://calendly.com/idagreenephd/soul-meeting-15-minutes
(Also check out my 5-week course on How to activate and reawaken your inner guidance/intuition to get messages from Source for your business and life” at https://www.askdrida.com/
Join my Facebook groups with no-cost training's & support Dr. Ida The Soul Whisperer
Intuition: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819000328373591
Relationship: https://www.facebook.com/groups/314871872294260
Energetic Alignment https://calendly.com/idagreenephd/energyclearing15-minute
To find out more, schedule a free consult with me at www.calendly.com/idagreenephd/30min