For this new season opening, we celebrate the relationships and communities which lift us up, discuss the importance of chosen family in our political lives and share our brand new energy with you <3
Much love and respect to the Kweens we celebrate in this episode:
>Zozo Ntokazi Mposula - an amazing and inspiring creator from South-African descent living in Copenhagen, founder of My beautiful people: a platform that celebrates Black people, their culture, their hair, their beauty, their talent. She will be hosting a event on October 5th about Black Motherhood. Check out and follow her on insta @_mybeautiful_people/
>Brunette Matinda, Brussels-based Kemetic yoga teacher and founder of AfroYoga: an amazing platform that offers inclusive yoga classes every week in Brussels and also on-demand private classes for groups.
Do check out for more info, follow AfroYoga on Facebook and Instagram and show up every Monday at 6.15pm rue de l’Atelier 51 for the most beautiful and peaceful energy.
>Gal dem founder Liv Little: created the platform at the age of 21 when she was tired of being asked as the only black woman in university to share her views as a representative of all marginalised minorities - in "a sea of white voices".
Gal dem is a community medium, committed to telling the stories of women and non-binary people of colour. They publish an online and print magazine, addressing inequality and misrepresentation in the industry through platforming the creative and editorial work of their community. If you want to become a contributor to gal dem, you can pitch your articles, that are even paid!
Check out their page: and follow Liv Little on twitter: @livlittle
-Solmaz Khorsand, an amazing Austrian journalist of Iranian descent who wrote an article about how broken the UK is (for our german-speaking listeners, here you go:…t-grossbritannien)
In this piece, people of color including the founders of gal dem spoke as political commentators with agency who have a deep insight into what’s going on in society. To see people of color as experts is still so rare and uncommon that German media add a disclaimer to clarify that the perspective is one that is „only of POC“ - so when POC perspectives are seen, it has be to explicitly marked as different. major eyesroll
Check out Solmaz’ brilliant work and enjoy the unapologetic energy she carries as there is no need to be modest. Because Solmaz kicks ass: She started journalistic career with 17, she was the first woman to write an editorial in the history of the oldest Austrian newspaper and most of the time, the only woman of color in the newsrooms.
So, read her pieces, follow her on twitter and prepare yourself for amazing stories: @solmazkhorsand