Pernah gak sih, kalian ngerasa nggak berharga karena dicuekin si doi, atau ditinggal, bahkan dikhianati? Atau mungkin, kalian selalu merasa belum siap untuk menjalin hubungan baru? Sebenarnya, tujuan pacaran itu untuk apa sih? Kapan sih, kita sebenarnya dianggap siap untuk pacaran?
Di Voices of Blessings kali ini, kami akan membahas mengenai hal-hal ini bersama Sasha Tjie, penulis Wise Woman Waits.
Have you ever felt unworthy after being ghosted, ignored, left or betrayed by a significant other? Or maybe, have you ever been in a situation where you always feel like you’re never (and will never be) ready for a new relationship? And finding yourself caught up in your own thoughts, wondering “when exactly can we consider ourselves ready for another relationship?”
In this episode, we’re discussing about these crucial confusions with Sasha Tjie, the author of Wise Woman Waits.