Philly Who? is the podcast telling the stories of the doers, thinkers, and performers of Philadelphia. It was created as a side project by host Kevin Chemidlin in May 2018. In its first year, the weekly podcast amassed 40,000 downloads and lead Kevin to pursue podcast production full-time. The podcast has been highlighted as one of the most popular podcasts in Philadelphia by Billy Penn and has been highlighted by Philly Voice and Philadelphia Magazine.
In this episode, we dive into Kevin's story. What was he doing before the start of Philly Who? and how did it all come to be? What would his advice be for newbie podcasters? Kevin has not only been a mentor to us, but a friend, and someone we first turned to when diving into the world of podcasting. We're so honored to share his story on our show because he definitely delivered advice that is pure gold!
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Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @podphillywho @thephillykev
Philly Who? is available anywhere you get your podcasts.
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