In this episode I take you for a walk through the Han Market in Da Nang, Vietnam. You'll immediately notice lots of interaction with local sellers as this market is geared a little more tourists than the Con Market in the last episode.
These markets are always alot of fun to visit and in terms of food they really give you insight into what people eat here. The food stalls in any of these markets are always worthy of a visit with usually excellent examples of local classics at a much lower price than tourist style restaurants. As I said in the walk-through you could easily knock off this market and the Con Market in a morning or afternoon. I came down with a cold a couple of days after the recording of this walk through so unfortunately I'm not able to bring you much more than this segment in this episode. I tested myself twice for Covid-both tests came out negative. Colds are going around again as people venture out. This is the first time I've been sick with anything in 2.5 years. Peace, love, and safe travels!
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