This month's offering is a big one! I know I did nothing but Warpath and Firefight with last month's show talking about Terrain, so here is the first half of me making it up to you other Sci-Fi players.
I give you, JAKE THORNTON!
Jake is the creator of many of the board games put out by Mantic over the years, but his biggest hit is not only Deadzone, but Dreadball too!
Today we will center on Jake's background, talk about all things Dreadball, and finish up with his his current ventures, all of which intertwined with wisdom and insight that only a man with 30 years of game knowledge can throw at you.
“What? No Deadzone?!?!?” you say? Never fear! Jake has already promised to come back and delve deep into it soon, so we'll have that for you in the next month or so. For now, strap in and get your note pads out. Game School is in, and class just started!
Ronnie the Bard of Mantica link:
Quirkworthy Home Page:
Game Design Mastery Patreon Page:
Opening (Fireworks) and Closing (Chronos) Music by: Alexander Nakarada: