On this episode, I interview Rebecca Crane, whose first child was found blue and not breathing a few days after the 4 month "well baby" shots. Rebecca goes into detail about Skylar's vaccine injury (which includes seizures, a month long hospitalization, and months of physical therapy to help her recover) and how her petition was recently awarded compensation in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Since 1988, the NVICP program has paid out over $4.9 billion for vaccine injuries. In order to qualify for a petition, a person's vaccine injury must narrowly fit the list of table injuries, which is quite limited, and have narrow windows of time. For example, many extreme reactions must occur or begin to occur within 72 hours of a vaccine in order to qualify; some are as narrow as 4 hours from the vaccine. SIDS is not a table injury.
NVICP payouts as of this podcast
Please remember to report all vaccine reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
For more information, please visit circleofmamas.com
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