In a short series of podcasts, we're going to focus on several community spaces which represent venues or partners for our WEA activities. Since the WEA's inception in 1903, the organisation has worked within spaces of this type. And recently, there has been an upsurge in community spaces, often taking over empty shops on our high streets, with many projects dedicated to social justice and environmental aims.
First up in this series is an interview with Bethan Hosker of Chester-le-Street's REfUSE Cafe.
WEA North East's nascent Craftivism Network recently met at the cafe and were deeply impressed by the values it represents. In REfUSE's own words:-
We REfUSE to be part of a wasteful food system. We need to RE-think. We REscue, REclaim and RE-use, so that good food doesn’t become REfUSE.
Each month this organisation intercepts around 12 tonnes of food that would otherwise go to waste, from retailers around the North East, and redistribute this through their ‘Pay As You Feel’ community cafe and restaurant. Bethan explains how they go about this, and talks about the various communities and groups that they support, as well as a new and crucial role: providing a warm space for those hardest hit by the cost of living crisis.
Tune in if you've ever wondered about how these venues survive and thrive and support our communities and our environment.