We are so glad to be back again. We feel like I've been on a little bit of a hiatus. And we're sure you have been as well while dealing with the COVID virus.
With episode I'm back with my co-host Joel Gagne. We sometimes podcast together on different topics that we see our clients and school districts face.
This is part one of a two part conversation. We're talking specifically about the Coronavirus on your communication to your school district. And we're discussing what schools are dealing with during this pandemic shutdown and its effects.
Communication matters. Tonality matters. Semantics matters.
As Joel states, "...if you have a financial adviser and you're looking at your retirement account, one of the first things you always sit there and say is diversity, diversity, diversity. If you want to make sure that you that you're going to be stable, then your stock portfolio needs to be diverse. The same is true with communications."
You just cannot rely on one communication platform or one way of communicating with your community. School districts have got to be reaching non-parents.
They're taxpayers. They're the ones who are underwriting this school district. To maintain a level of credibility with them, you need to be able to explain the value proposition in what you're doing and how you're doing it.
In part 2, we talk to about what's ahead, and how to effectively continue communications with your school community.
We Love Schools is a podcast produced by Joel Gagne & Carole Dorn-Bell that highlights and investigate success stories in school communications campaigns.
Through interviews with today’s educational and communication leaders address the issues, obstacles and best practices of communicating with your community in today's all-access social media-driven world.