It is a mistake to think that post-crisis, everything will be the way it was before. This can be a hard fact to grasp, and companies have been suffering because of this panic and fear driving the population. Today, WTR welcomes Greg Shepard, serial entrepreneur, investor, Forbes author, and Ted X speaker. In this week’s episode, we discuss the steps that occur in the crisis journey, and how to get your business to return to deliberate operations.
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Greg Shepard
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[00:56] Kevin: Today, we're joined by guest Greg Shepard. Today we're going to talk about crisis management during the pandemic. Our guest is a serial entrepreneur, investor, Forbes author, and Ted X speaker
[01:28] He made it a mission for himself with his company BOSS (Business Operating Support System) and they are trying to help companies right now weather this storm of crisis
[01:45] Would you mind sharing with our WTR listeners about where you came from and what inspired you to do what you do today?
[01:55] Greg: When I was young I was pretty poor and we had next to nothing. When I started to build businesses I got to the other side of that and started to really want to give back
[05:05] BOSS has 5 major steps
[05:08] The north star: identifying where you want to go and what success looks like
[05:10] Strategy: the plan itself
[05:13] Execution: actually the process of executing the plan
[05:17] Standardization: puts in place processes and procedures and standards
[05:29] The continuous improvement loop
[05:32] When this crisis happened, we said we need to have a module that you could slide in to get your business from crisis back to business as usual and then move forward with BOSS again
[06:00] The crisis journey steps
[06:02] The call to action (the virus)
[06:07] Meeting your mentor (meeting somebody or something that's going to help you through this process... seeking advice from somebody who's already been there)
[07:02] Crossing the threshold (acting on the advice given by the mentor)
[07:07] The reward (where you emerge from the crisis as a better company back to normalization
[07:14] Back to ordinary business
[07:20] Crisis management phases
[07:25] Initial assessment and damage control (looking at the immediate and potential long-impacts on this crisis to your business and to the market in general)
[07:40] Do what you can to limit the damage to you
[07:50] What do you need on your team and what do you have available on your team that you can use to help you get that information?
[08:07] Stabilization and a crisis pivot (where you're trying to get more stable and get to a point where you can pivot)
[09:14] How can you use existing assets and talents differently to generate revenue or enter new markets?
[09:52] How can you adapt to that decision that I just went through?
[09:58] Seizing an opportunity (what aspect of your business sector is likely to see permanent change?)
[10:30] Returned deliberate operations (what conditions must be met in order for you to exit the...