I realized that my life has been a constant journey of achieving the next goal…high school, college, medical school, residency, fellowship, kids… in all this, I’ve really forgotten who I am.
I want to pause to get to know myself again, to date myself, to appreciate, and to honor my inner being.
Tune into this episode to learn the stock investment option..But most importantly learning to invest in YOU!
What exactly does this mean?
-give TIME to yourself, even if it is just 5 minutes to sip coffee alone.
- make healthy eating decision, replace that soda with water, replace the next donut with an apple.
Exercise, even if it’s a walk for 10 minutes Read, open any book and start readingLearn a new skillThe minimal investment each day will compound, just like pennies invested can compound to millions -learn to pay yourself first. Remember, even Uncle Sam takes the cut before we see it.
-utilize those retirement accounts.
-open a brokerage account, buy the ETFs/mutual funds.
-investing has become cheaper and easier
-with a click of a finger on your smart phone, you can buy the ENTIRE stock market with a fraction of a cost
Remember to always put oxygen mask on your face first! No people pleasing, you won’t ever be able to make others happy or meet their needs.
What’s coming next in wealthy muslim women?
-> Book! Almost done. In editing process, it’ll be complete, easy to read, simple guide to building money
->Find the wealthy muslim women journal on Amazon
->Digital course with individual coaching on selective basis.