Wear It Boldly Podcast: Season Two Episode Two
Have you ever wondered what to post, why you're not growing your community, or if you can sustain success in social selling? You need to tune in to season two of the Wear It Boldly Podcast.
Episode Two Homework Questions:
Make sure you're writing this out. In fact, grab yourself a new notebook or journal to keep your entire branding journey in black and white in front of you. (This one is my favorite: www.wearitboldly.com/takenotes ) This will help you look back and really nail down the things that matter. Here are the questions you need to focus on this week.
Who were you 5-10 years ago? Who are you today? What have you gone through to get where you are today?
Work on this the way your mind works best. Do you do better with a bullet point list? Or do you think better in full sentences? Either way, start a new page for each question and dive deep!
And then join me in the podcast episode to learn more about tying all of these things together to build the foundation of your brand.
Are you a part of TWIB (Team Wear It Boldly)? Make sure you join us in the TWIB Hub after each episode to dive into this deeper. Let's get you SOLID on social media and set up for success. Not a member of TWIB and want to get in on it? You can join our team here: https://www.aloette.com/join/?u=WearItBoldly
No monthly minimums, no monthly fees, no catch! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions right here: http://www.instagram.com/wearitboldly
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