Improve: To advance or make progress in what is desirable.
Root Word: Anglo-French word emprouwer "to turn to profit"
Why People Don't Improve:
1. Fear of what they might become and other people might say.
2. They don't set goals to improve. Because of the obstacles and barriers. That they will need to overcome.
3. Not commintmented and don't want to be held accountable.
1. Make a decision you want to improve.
2. Educate yourself in the areas of your life. That you would like to improve in.
3. Write down the steps needed to improve in that area of your life.
4. Go the extra mile: Doing more that is required to do.
5. Each day write down three things you did. To improve the area of focus in your life. Also, write down the one thing you could have done better.
Albert Einstein said that and it's always fascinated me. When you cease to learn, you cease to grow. And when you cease to grow, you cease to improve.