Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 2 Chapter 1 Text 30
tac-chiṣya-rūpeṇa ca mat-priyaṁ taṁ
saṁśrāvya śāpaṁ nilayāndha-kūpāt
śrī-vāsudevena vikṛṣya nītaḥ
prāyopaveśāya matiṁ dyu-nadyām
When I heard of that curse, I took it as most welcome. Śrī Vāsudeva, in the form of a brāhmaṇa’s disciple, was dragging me out of the blind well of family life and guiding me to choose to fast till death on the shore of the celestial Gaṅgā.