What a ride!
As I write this, it’s 11 days since fight night.
It’s only now sinking in that the journey is over, and ‘normal’ life is beginning to settle in again. I have to be honest, it’s kind of boring. Now that the fear, anxiety, anticipation and excitement have been removed, things seem a little dull. I’m sure this will subside as life fills back up with other priorities and concerns, but the immediate sensation right after everything has concluded is a bit odd.
I talked a lot throughout the training how the focus on preparing for the fight caused a lot of ‘less pressing’ or less important aspects of my life to drop off a bit, which was true, and it was a focus that I really enjoyed. Now that it’s over, I definitely feel like finding another challenge that will have the same effect. I just feel like the benefits of that focus and commitment are too many not to continue to put myself in a scenario that will bring them about.
Of course that all said, I’m not going to worry about it for the time being. I’ll enjoy the Christmas Holidays at home, and re-access early in the new year, to determine what the next challenge will be.
Ok, so to fight night.
We weighed-in the night before at Golden Gloves gym, and met at the venue the following day at noon to do a ‘walk-through’ of the event.
在比赛前一晚,我们聚在Golden Gloves健身室里作实力评估。隔天中午,我们再次相聚在健身室,做一次赛事排演。
My father had flown in for the event, so after we were done at the venue, we went for a walk in the park and then came back to the dressing room at 5, where we had to stay until our fight started (mine was at about 9:30 I think).
Besides the long time spent waiting, it was fun being in the back room, watching my teammates prepare mentally and physically and for their fights.
We managed to stream the fights on YouKu to someone’s phone, so we were able to watch the fights while we waited, which was fun.
Shortly before my fight, one of our coaches wrapped my hands, and I did some shadowboxing and some pad-work to warm-up.
I was focused on getting a bit of a sweat on and my heart-rate up, but I can’t say there were many nerves, if anything I was calmly just waiting to see ‘what it would be like’ when my music came on and I walked out.
Well, it was awesome. When it was fight time we got walked through the back and behind the curtain where we would walk out. My coaches met me there, and gave me a few final words of support.
My opponent walked out first, and then it was my turn. I still wasn’t really that nervous, and when my music started playing, I walked out, and stopped briefly at the top of the runway. I spread my arms out straight to my sides at shoulder level, and tipped my head back. I did this just to try and absorb the moment, and the energy of it all. It came naturally and felt really good. After that I walked to the ring, shuffled around it a bit, and headed to my corner. It all felt really comfortable, nerves weren’t really a part of it.