W.E. First Phase (Dressage)
On Labor day weekend 2013 Carbon and I had the opportunity to drive up to Lexington Virginia from North Carolina to attend the Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club's (ERAHC) annual Classic horse breed show. You may ask why would I take a Quarter Horse to an Andalusian breed show? The answer is simple, to compete in Working Equitation.
Right now, WE is relatively a new sport here in the USA and most participants are Spanish horse breed shows. Yes, Carbon and I enjoyed riding with all those fancy Iberian horses. We are very thankful that this was an open opportunity class, meaning any type of breed was welcome to come and play WE.
As you can see in the video below, the first phase is very similar to Western Dressage. WE's first phase is judge much like dressage in the aspect that you are scored 1-10 based on the quality of movement. Because of this similarity, we were very attracted to this new sport.. Remember that this is the first of phases of three in Working Equitation; so keep an eye out for the others. In my next video will show the other two phases (EOH and Speed). This was level 4 under USFWE rules and test.
If you are unfamiliar with Working Equitation, Here is a link to a little more information about WE.
We hope you enjoy this video as an inspiration to WD and an educational opportunity for WE. Unlike some of the other Western Dressage videos that we have posted, this test is a little more advanced with a 15m working canter, walk canter depart, turn on haunches, and a whole bunch of flying changes. If you look closely you will see some mistakes, but we included Carbon's scores and the judges remarks to help you understand what is expected at this level.
On a side note, we had the opportunity meet the president of the world association of working equitation from Portugal "Joao Ralao Durarte". What a great learning opportunity and treat that was..
We would like to give a special thanks to Carol Havelka... Videographer
and let's not forget:
Bruce Harbin... Photographer
Jeane Bond... show committee
Wayne Hipsley... Judge
Joao Ralao Duarte... co-judge from Portugal
USFWE.... Rules/tests
ERAHC... Show Org.