Recorded January 15, 2023There are four servant songs in and around Isaiah 49. According to the scholar Damon Garcia, serving God, for Isaiah looks like working for the liberation of the oppressed. The gospel of Mark reflects this idea in its portrayal of Christ as a suffering servant. In this message, Caleb takes the suffering servant motif a step further, comparing what servanthood looks like for Christ as opposed to Mary. Both, it’s argued, serve God by working for the liberation of the oppressed.
Whereas Mary is taking back the power taken from her by a system of oppression, Jesus is giving back the power he received from that same system.
Mary and Christ are engaged in the same project; one is a man, a prophet called the king of the Jews, while the other is a woman and a victim of patriarchy. Suffering takes on salvific power only so far as it can be transformed into an act that liberates the oppressed.