In this collaborative episode Zoë and Alana explore the concept of nostalgia. You know the feeling, but what is it? What does it do? How can it be useful?
We spent several months trying to answer these questions though conversations, musings, poetry and embodiment practices.... and through being stuck at home during lockdown thinking about the past and wondering about the future.
This episode is about what bodies do with the past, where and how it lives in us. It's about nostalgia but it is also about loss and letting go, about grief and resilience. It's about using muscle memory on purpose to feel, process, and shape our experience of life.
Thanks so much to Alana for this sweet collaboration!
Alana (she/they) IG: @anbsuperstar & @softcorepoetics
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FOLLOW AND SHARE: IG @body.bodcast
And you can follow Zoë on IG @Thirdspace.Somatics or at