Scotty Brandon and Brandon present...
- each of their 'Thing of the Week' and some chatter about "sports injuries" leading into an incredible guest (0:11),
- David Lewis, co-owner of House of Champs, talks about his journey into the fitness industry, how his athletic career played a part in his life after taking the field, the importance of a strong family and support system, and Ability v. Effort, among other things (8:49),
- and the show is wrapped-up with 'The Starting Five' with Dave (21:41).
Tune in next week for Part 1 of Kate Anderson's story and shares!
**Follow and engage with Dave on Instagram @champizhere23 & @houseofchampsde & @**
House of Champs - 7852 S Dupont Hwy, Felton, DE 19943
Follow and engage on Instagram @WhatShouldIDoThePodcast & @onlySPFitness.
Follow and engage on Twitter @WSID_ThePodcast & @the_scottuation.
Follow and engage on Discord @ whatshouldidothepodcast.
Follow and engage on Clubhouse @ WSID_thepodcast.
Contact us @ [email protected].
Follow (and thank) Verdant Band for our intro/outro music on Facebook @ VerdantBandDE.