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By United Nations Association Albania
The podcast currently has 7 episodes available.
In our previous bonus episode, you learned about the Albanian Youth Delegates to the United Nations, a program implemented by UNA Albania and supported by the Albanian Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, U.S Embassy in Tirana, UN Country Team and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Albania. At the time, the next generation of youth delegates had not yet been selected.70 days later, at the wake of the UN General Assembly, you do not only get to meet the new delegates, but you also are offered insight into what it means to have accepted the challenge.
Sot, në Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Rinisë, Dafina Peci, drejtuese e “Kongresit Rinor Kombëtar” është e ftuar në serinë e Podcastit “What you(th) doing?” për të folur rreth titullit “Tirana Kryeqyteti Europian i Rinisë 2022”.
“Kongresi Rinor Kombëtar”, si strukturë rinore mbështetëse e këtij titulli, dhe Bashkia e Tiranës, si qytet aplikues, nënshkruan një Marrëveshje Bashkëpunimi që i paraprin zbatimit të këtij programi ambicioz që do të synojë të adresojë nevojat e të gjithë të rinjve dhe do të përpiqet të lidhë qytetin dhe rininë e tij me vlerat evropiane.
Rreth 1000 aktivitete përgjatë 2022 do të zhvillohen me në fokus rininë.
Si mund të marrin pjesë të rinjtë në këtë program?
Cila është natyra e shumë aktiviteteve të caktuara për vitin 2022 dhe si mund të marrin pjesë organizatat e shoqërisë civile në këto aktivitete?
Local democracy is considered to be the "cornerstone of a democratic society". In this bonus episode, we have explored youth participation and engagement in democracy and governance, as well as the relationship between the Albanian government and civil society, all through the dynamics of the Electionville and our last Coffee Talk event. This is a thought-provoking space, where you'll be challenged to take off your rose-colored glasses and take a hard look at what it takes to operationalize youth integration.
Ever heard of the Albanian Youth Delegates to the United Nations? Sounds intriguing, doesn't it?
We have invited Henri and Fiona to share their experience on what does it really mean to represent Albanian Youth at the biggest forums of diplomacy and answer any questions you might have if you are considering applying yourself.
They have been serving as youth delegates for a bit more than a year, which means their mandate is nearly over. However, the journey has been challenging and they both agree on that.
Henri compares his experience as being part of an academic, yet intense, course, and Fiona, on the other hand, has set her sights on being down to earth after the completion of her mandate.
We advise you to pay close attention to this episode, as you can be part of the next Youth Delegates' generation.
It is up to you, whether you accept or decline this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Applications are now open
You asked and we delivered!
As we're getting closer to the election day, in this episode we've discussed youth's perception of voting. "Which is the importance of voting?" "How will the change of the electoral system influence our choices"? "How to make the difference between wise and ideological voters"? These and other questions you may have about the upcoming elections get answered by Daniel.
In this pilot episode of "What you(th) doing?" you get to know the people behind it. We've discussed the reasons for starting the podcast and what to expect from it.
The podcast currently has 7 episodes available.