23 Years a Royal Air Force Engineer, Adie Holt was selected to help establish one of the MOD's most radical innovation units in 2017. The Strategic Command jHub was charged with delivering innovative capabilities into the hands of users faster. By learning from leading tech giants and world-class start-ups rather than following Defence policy and process, the unit delivered 18 capabilities in its first 18 months, unheard of in traditional defense procurement cycles. Adie left the military in 2020 to carve a niche at the intersection of public sector, industry, and the start-up/scale-up ecosystems, first establishing a Defence practice for Capita’s tech and digital-focused consultancy and later working with their corporate venturing arm Scaling partner. He is currently an advisor at Form1 Partners, a new scale-up growth engine, and co-founder of Author Insights, a novel forum for engineered serendipity.