Is it Snitchin' or is it just being an active member of your local Neighborhood Watch Program? Hear the debate on snitching, confidential informants, co-defendants testifying, family telling on family, etc this upcoming Sunday, September 16, 2018, at 6:00 pm by tuning in to What’s The Verdict! Tune in by way of Podbean, SoundCloud, What’s The Verdict Live on YouTube, What’s The Verdict Live on Facebook, and the Podcast app for iPhone users.
#SnitchesGetStitches #SnitchesGetGoodPleaDeals #TheFirstToSquealGetsTheDeal #NeighborhoodWatchThese #LawyerUp
The Ultimate Lawyer: Julius Collins | @attorneyjuliuscollins
Your Friendly Neighborhood Attorney: Brian Gaither | @gaither_esq
The Warrior Lawyer: Andre Smith | @attorneyandrejsmith