This is the new relaunch of my ministry CAN WE TALK ABOUT IT LIVE and with persistent prayer I have asked Prophetess Wyetha Prevost to come alongside me and bring her ministry EFFECTUAL FERANT PRAYER HOUR. We are bringing PRAYER AND WORD to the cities, states, country and nations preaching, praying, teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The world still need to know that GOD'S NOT DEAD and JESUS IS STILL ALIVE.
This podcast is ALSO my ministry WHEN I DO TURNS INTO I DON'T "THE WOWS OF THE VOWS" MARRIAGE MINISTRY. It's for marriages and for those that are not married, and for those who may have a desire to be married and married again. So, you just don't have to read about it, but you can listen to it as well on my podcast, " When I Do Turns Into I Don't "The WoWs Of The VoW's". Can We Talk About It Live is a ministry to help singles prepare for marriage, restoration for divorced men and women if they choose to be remarried again, and for those who are already married who needs enhancement and encouragement. "Divorce is not an Option by God, But a Choice by Man, Matthew 19:8 and Luke 14:23 From the beginning it was not so to be divorced, but because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses wrote the bill of divorcement and go out into the hedges and highways (SOCIAL MEDIA & AIRWAYS) and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. I choose to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere I go not just concerning marriages, but in and with so many other areas o my life and your lives and with this world we live in today.