I want to first send out a huge thanks to you for simply being here and listening. My goal is to do nothing less than help you achieve your goals in software and in life.
In this first episode, I want to share with you what to expect on this journey we are embarking on together. Over the next lifetime or so, we will be covering a number of topics as they relate to both learning to code as well as life in general. And for the most part, all of this information will fall into 3 main buckets:
Learning how to code using online resources (for free)
Translating your newly learned skills to the workforce (education to employment)
Leading a fulfilling and joyous life as a software developerYou and I are going to accomplish this all together through honesty and sharing stories, experiences, and highs and lows of our day-to-day struggles in becoming the best (and happiest) software developers that we possibly can.