On our second astrology installment, astrologer Ash Stewack takes us through the uses of predictive astrology, including the ways in which long term planetary transits can affect entire societies and countries. With Ash, we delve deeper into each planet's energies and talk about the astro weather of Saturn square Uranus and the Pluto return of the United States, just in time for it's birthday!
Happy 4th of July!
*To learn more about Ash and to book a session, please visit: https://www.wayfinderreadings.com/
*Asian Americans Advancing Justice Chicago: https://www.advancingjustice-chicago.org/
IG: advancingjusticechicago
*To learn more about how you can support Indigenous communities, please visit:
Indian Residential School Survivors Society: https://www.irsss.ca/donate
Orange Shirt Society: https://www.orangeshirtday.org/orange-shirt-society.html
The Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society provides a toll free line that Indigenous people in crisis or needing support can call at 1-888-403-3123. Donations can be made at: https://www.tsowtunlelum.org/resources/donate/
Canadian Roots Exchange: https://canadianroots.ca/monetary-donations/
Theme music by Matt Carrico
Transition music by Joseph Beg