Everyone has the choice of either living isolated from other people and their own feelings on the one hand, or to connect with others and their own emotional core on the other hand. The road towards connectedness involves vulberability and weakness. But it leads to a very rewarding ability that includes deeper understanding of and union with humanity.
Dr. K's interview with Ludwig treats heavy subjects around death. In order to "come up for air" and take a break from the seriousness, they tell a dick joke.
Steven Covey explains the 3 steps of maturing in life in terms of dependence.
Abraham Maslov's hierarchy of human needs starts at the bottom with the necessities for physical survival and has to do more with relationships and self actualisation towards the top.
Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Cook Briggs developed indicators of personality types by expanding those previously formulated by Carl Jung.
The Color Code is a model for profiling personalities and was developed by Taylor Hartman.
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Music: "Merry Bay" by Ghostrifter Official (https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-official/merry-bay)