Dennis started his career as an engineer officer in the Federal German Army, and during his spare time experimented with electric vehicles and batteries. Along with a group of friends Dennis founded V.E.R.A. in 1998, a club for electric vehicle enthusiasts based in the Aachen region of Germany.He went on to start the business REAP Systems, specialising in battery management systems for large lithium-ion batteries for vehicles on land and water.We talk about the combined challenges of sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship, including the disconnect between climate science and business, the impacts of tax structures, the inertia of existing industries and how to attract staff to ventures that are more meaningful but inherently less lucrative.Dennis also introduces Project Venice, his ground breaking new project to bring hybrid electric engine technology to the marine world, starting in Venice. The project aims to tackle the issues of air pollution, fuel efficiency, noise pollution and vibration damage within the iconic Italian city. Despite its obvious benefits, the marine industry will not invest in this new technology or adopt it until it is proven, posing a catch 22. REAP Systems are therefore investing a large sum of their own money and launching a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGogo to prove that the technology is viable and reliable and kickstart the transition to more sustainable boat transportation.Details of the crowdfunding campaign can be found at: