Have you ever wondered how the food that you eat, gets digested? or how did that recipe you love so much even came into existence? How is it that the people in the past discovered what to eat? And since food is what keeps us alive with the nutrition, what is so special about carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and minerals that our body can actually break them down from whatever we eat?!
Is it not just mind blowing that the mango fruit we so love has the nutrition we need and more so, our bodies know how to make use of it. Food and water keeps us alive and yet there is such a huge variety of food.
And so are the diet plans and diet tips. Because there is so much, and since we mix a huge variety of foods and spices to cook, there is a varied amount of nutrition we get. We all know any excess has its ill effects.
If you think about it, there are 2 prime aspects that affect our life; The food we eat & our lifestyle.
But today we talk about food & why you cannot eat just about anything & however you want.
The food we love is because of the taste we get from it. But in the quest for taste, the recipes that we make are often unhealthy.. no matter how "healthy" they seem.
Often the food we eat is filled with excess fat or there is a food combination that has ingredients that are opposite in nature.
So the question is,
Is there a right way to eat food?
And what did our ancestors ate, was the food any different back then and how did they come up with recipes.
There is a good news, we have the answer to these questions and it is in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science has given us the correct method to eat.
And today I share an aspect which none of the schools or colleges or even nutritionists or doctors share.
Food & the energy it gives, is not just limited to the aspect of mere eating. HOW?
Eating food is a transfer of energy and it is not just limited to the nutrition. It includes the whole cosmic energy that food absorbs. The energy of the sun, water, air and the life force given by the almighty.
You being a life force, have to be responsible in intaking this energy so you can get the most out of it.
Another aspect is that diseases or even deficiencies happen due to an imbalance in your body.
This imbalance is because of the fact that your body requires some type of food more than others in order to function at it's best. You might have heard of the terms Vata, Pita, Kapha.
And certain food carries with it their own properties, both cosmic and basic.
And once you eat, digestion has to be complete in order for you to stay away from diseases.
Ayurvedic diet involves the full plan of what to eat based on your body type, your body's base need, how to eat and when to eat.
Once you change your eating habits you will start noticing the change in your body and mind.
Food affects mind in ways more than we know.
So, to sum it up; in this video you will learn about;
what to eat,
what NOT to eat,
how to eat,
how to improve digestion,
how to gain the cosmic energy from food,
what eating habits weaken you over time,
annamaya kosh & pranmaya kosh aspect of life,
alkaline food & acidic food,
healthy eating habits,
how to sit while eating,
does food & drinks go together,
jathragni - the digestive fire
and more.
So I share this knowledge I have gained over years of study of our ancient Indian culture.
And I intend to share this with teens for them to benefit from it. Why teens? because they can adopt the healthy habits from an early age so that they stay away from diseases in the future.
It gives them a comfortable life.
It's time to ReeInstall the new you,
About ReeInstall;
Learn about the one aspect that can turn your life around, your mind. Learn to take not just control but to extract the cosmic energy it holds inside.
Essential life education from ancient Indian wisdom for teens to start young and live grand.