WELCOME! I'm so excited to be starting my podcasting journey. It's been a long time coming and I can't wait to see where this new adventure takes me.
In this introductory episode, I take you through my experiences in 2020 that led me to want to start a podcast, the story behind the name and basically tell you way too much about myself - #oversharer
Send me any feedback or suggestions you have. You can slide into my DMs as long as you're not creepy lmaooo!
Some resources for affordable therapy in Malaysia -
1. Cara Cara Mental Fitness - https://www.caracara.space/
2. Unit Pakar Kesejahteraan Psikologi dan Kaunselling (PKPK), UKM - https://www.facebook.com/UKMPKPK/services/?ref=page_internal
3. Centre of Psychological and Counselling Services (CPCS) - https://www.cpcs-helpuni.com/
4. Humankind Community Counselling - https://www.humankind.my/counseling