In my opinion, I believe that a Wifey Will Indeed Need Shifting of her Mind. Remember: As a Wifey, you are no longer Single! Therefore, your Single Mentality must Shift to a “Help Mate” Mentality! Also remember, if you are a Single Mother, your children!!! Please, do not allow Lust to guide you down a path that could or would put your child in danger! Surround yourself with people who genuinely love you and will speak the truth to you in Love. People who will be able to tell you what Red Flags they See and be Willing to Heed those Red Flags 🚩 By doing so, you could save not just Your Life, but your child(ren) too! I wholeheartedly hope you find or you are found by your true Purpose Partner and not a Counterfeit Partner! This way, you two can work on your “Happily Ever After” Together. I hope this Episode encourages Someone! Enjoy!