Get ready to reconsider the meaning of “immersive learning”. The course Civil Rights and Racial Justice: A Tour Through the South is an exploration of the modern civil rights movement through lectures, shared readings, tours and discussion. While we typically think of university courses as taking place in the classroom (or on Zoom), this course is truly immersive. Students visit key locations in the South and explore the history of the modern Civil Rights movement.
In this episode, podcast hosts Stephen Cummings and Jen Knights talk with Yolanda Spears, Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Certificate in Critical Cultural Competence, University of Iowa School of Social Work; Darryl Heller, Assistant Professor at Indiana University, Director of the Civil Rights Heritage Center in South Bend; and Dr. Ashley Howard, Assistant Professor of History and African American Studies, University of Iowa. Professors Heller, Howard and Spears talk about the deep learning experience students have on the Civil Rights Tour, and the logistics involved with planning such a significant event.
Note: this episode was recorded in the summer of 2022, after the tour ended for students. that year. We are sharing this episode with listeners now to provide insight into this experience.
Are you a student interested in this experience? the next tour takes place from May 13 through the 29th of 2024. In your MyUI course database, look for HIST:3257:0EXW. Details are available here:
To ensure availability, please email Clinical Associate Professor Yolanda Spears at [email protected] or Assistant Professor Ashley Howard at [email protected] no later than April 12th at 5:00 p.m.
This year’s tour details:
Ashley Howard, Assistant Professor, University of Iowa Department of History
Darryl Heller, Assistant Professor & Director, Indiana University Civil Rights Heritage Center:
Yolanda Spears, Clinical Associate Professor & Director, Critical Cultural Competency Certificate University of Iowa School of Social Work: