Hey Guys! Welcome to “Fearsome Five”, a five minute podcast devoted to taking you on a journey from Fear to Faith. I’m Daryl Cappon from Wildmen Life, wildmenlife.com where we equipment men to become bold, wild, confident and free in their daily walk.
Episode #3 brings us into a portion of scripture the Lord took me to for a personal prophetic word on January 15, 2021 from 2 Samuel 3. Just the day before, I was asked by the leader of our Prophetic Ministry Team to take part in a prophetic event we are hosting at our church. I immediately responded to the affirmative, but found I had a pit in my stomach for agreeing so quickly. I had told the Lord, a while back, I would not agree to take part in any activity until I had been given a prophetic word from the Lord to do so. Of course my first thought was to call the team leader and tell him I wouldn’t be taking part, but my ever so wise wife suggested I ask the Lord first.