If you heard of a corporation that had secret meetings, non-disclosure of public documents, and a company policy that included a gag order for employees' personal social media, you might say "wow, that's a pretty toxic environment." Now...suppose you found out it was actually a school district? Shocking, right? Well, not so much these days.
We are talking about the very real Woodland Park, Colorado school district, where the interim superintendent, despite being recalled as a member of a board of education elsewhere, was the ONLY candidate considered. Where administrators and teachers are leaving in droves. Where a charter school has been placed in the middle school building, causing the sixth grade to be moved-without a discussion with building principals or teachers.
And where the Records Custodian-the person who handles all of the Open Records Requests-was unceremoniously terminated. Strangely, after he voiced objections to some of the less-than-open practices of the District, including instructing him to not fulfill requests.
We spoke to Logan Ruths, the former records custodian for Woodland Park, and Matt Gawlowski, parent/activist and developer of the "Support Woodland Park Schools" website. It's a story you don't want to skip.
Because...it could happen to you.
Be sure to check out Miss V's terrific Substack, "Over Drinks!"
Thanks to Max Siskind, of the "Max and Maks in the Morning" podcast, for voicing our intro.
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