Luke Tonachel, Director, Clean Vehicles and Fuels Group, Climate and Energy Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council talks with the WEB about the federal rollback of the fuel economy standards.
The fuel economy standards require gradual improvements in mpg for vehicles over time. If we kept the current standards in place the average new vehicles (from cars to pickup trucks) would have about 37 mpg in 2025.
Luke Tonachel explains why the rollback of these standards are creating regulatory pandemonium for automakers. Rolling back the standards puts the jobs and growth at risk. The Trump Administration’s own proposal found that this rollback would yield 60,000 fewer jobs in the auto sector alone.
These rollbacks will result in more “bad air days” and climate change is yielding more “hot air days” which exacerbate the air quality issues. Children, the elderly and people of color suffer disproportionately from air pollution, meaning these fuel economy rollbacks will worsen health outcomes for the most vulnerable Americans.
These rollbacks would force Americans to spend more on fuel – over $2 billion in Wisconsin alone – more than $1,000 per household.
Also in clean energy news this month!
Washburn School District going solar with $194,000 in grant support from WI’s Focus on Energy and Solar for Good.Bipartisan support of renewable energy is a unique brightspot in the political landscape. A poll of 750 registered voters surveyed by the Solar Energy Industries Association in the fall of 2017 found that, 76% of registered voters agree that “my electric utility should gets more of it’s electricity from solar power and 71% of republicans s agree that solar + batteries could REPLACE a substantial portion of existing fossil fuel and nuclear plants.Advocate Aurora Health, the health system based in Milwaukee and Downers Grove, IL now has plans to power all of its healthcare operations with renewable electricity by 2030!! Advocate Aurora Health has 27 hospitals and 500 plus outpatient sites in WI and IL hopes to reduce its CO2 emissions by nearly 400,000 metric tons – or the equivalent emissions produced by 84,000 cars.Want to get involved with the Wisconsin Energy Broadcast as volunteer? Or do you have a show idea, or want to be a guest? Send us an email at the [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you.
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