In the small island of Libra, a unique community had developed to sustain itself. With a highly populated landscape, the inhabitants had harnessed innovative methods to survive and thrive. They cultivated diverse crops in different regions, hunted various animals, and fished in rivers, each contributing to their distinct local economies. Let’s have a listen together!
Your host Charlie Wang, based in Toronto Canada, is the founder of this podcast show. His father is a stroke survivor.
He started this podcast, because he wanted to help people with the knowledge of healthy food to avoid what had happened to his father and his friend, as well as healthy mindset, mentality and attitude towards life. He hopes you will all be healthy, and have healthy relationships and better lives because you and your family are all physically healthy, eating better, and equipped with life's wisdom.
Feel free to post what you would like him NOT to talk about, or email to [email protected].
Pinball Spring Kevin MacLeod (
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