Bengaluru, the IT hub of India, is facing a serious challenge from the frequent and devastating floods that have wreaked havoc in the city in recent years. What are the causes and consequences of these floods? How can the city cope with the impacts of climate change and urban development? And what are the possible solutions to prevent future disasters?
In this episode, we interview Dr. Indu K Murthy, a Climate Change Scientist, an expert on climate mitigation, vulnerability, and risk assessment. She has a Ph.D. in Ecology and Environmental Sciences from Pondicherry University and has worked as a Consultant Scientist at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. She is also on the Governing Board of South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies (SaciWATERs), and an expert with the UNFCCC Roster of Experts for India (for GHG Inventory).
Dr. Murthy shares her insights on the root causes and the possible solutions to Bengaluru’s flood crisis, and how we can all contribute to making the city more resilient and sustainable. Don’t miss this informative and eye-opening podcast on one of the most pressing issues facing Bengaluru and its citizens.